Online Garden Design Consultation

If you need help designing and creating your garden then I can help you get the garden of your dreams. It could be the whole back garden, the front garden or just a part of your garden that you need help with and I can help with all of these.

An online garden design consultation is the cheapest and best place to start, at only £150, if you really do have no idea! It is perfect if something is not quite working in your garden or if you don’t need a big garden redesign.

The online video call is 1 hour long (don’t worry if it goes over a little!) and is a great way to troubleshoot issues, do smaller design layout changes and generally just discuss what you want from your garden. I can then come back to you in the following days with ideas, planting lists and some solid information to help.

Garden Design Drawing
Online Consultation Price

For the garden of your dreams...